
Features Single: ‘Best Friends’ by artist mikey6strings

Today, Just Indie Art is featuring the latest single by artist mikey6strings. Known for his multi-genre tracks, the artist is back with another riveting number. Titled “Best Friends,” the song starts with peppy beats and scintillating guitar riffs. The vocals immediately draw listeners in, inviting them on a captivating sonic journey. The arrangement is…

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“Developing a compelling vision starts with understanding the higher purpose of the organization—why it exists and what grand societal goal it aims to achieve” – Aaron A. Bazin

We recently got a chance to interview Aaron A. Bazin about his book “The Vision Advantage”. We got insights into his book, exclusive tips for leaders and much more! Q. Welcome! It’s good to have you on our platform. How are you doing? A: I am spectacular! Thank you for having me on Jukebox…

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